History: First PhD in Psychology from the University of Talca

By Gabriel Sánchez R.

The Faculty of Psychology of the University of Talca celebrates the graduation of the institution’s first doctor in psychology. Juan Carlos Oliveros Chacana, an outstanding member of the 2019 generation, has marked a milestone in his academic career by obtaining the degree of Doctor of Psychology.

“The culmination of this achievement represents not only a personal triumph, but also a family achievement.” Juan Carlos Oliveros pointed out, expressing his gratitude towards the University of Talca, highlighting the fundamental support he received throughout his academic journey. Additionally, he emphasized the opportunity to conduct research stays in France and the United Kingdom, experiences that allowed him to be at the forefront in the field of social cognition.

Regarding his research, Juan Carlos indicated that it “explored the effect of training in imitation inhibition on socio-cognitive skills such as emotional regulation, empathy, and theory of mind. The results revealed that those individuals who were trained to inhibit imitation of others experienced significant improvements in their socio-cognitive abilities, specifically in emotional regulation.”

On the other hand, Dr. Juan Carlos Oliveros thanked his evaluation committee, composed of Dr. Carlos Cornejo from the Pontifical Catholic University, Dr. Daniel Shaw from Aston University in the United Kingdom, Dr. Ramón Castillo, and his professor and tutor Dr. José Luis Ulloa, both from the University of Talca, for their valuable comments and constructive criticisms that contributed to improving the quality of his research.

Regarding his experience in the doctoral program, Juan Carlos highlighted the high quality of the training he received and the opportunity to collaborate with other doctoral students internationally, demonstrating the level of excellence compared to other programs.

Daniel Núñez, director of the Doctorate in Psychology, commented on the importance of this milestone: “The achievement of the first doctorate in Psychology is a source of joy and pride for the program, especially because we are a young program. It demonstrates our ability to guide students towards academic success and contribute to knowledge in psychology. It fills us with satisfaction and tranquility. It is an important challenge we face: we want students to graduate on time, conduct quality research, and contribute significantly to the generation of knowledge relevant to the discipline. Without a doubt, this milestone marks a significant advance in the regular production of doctors in the program.”

Dr. Andrés Fresno, promoter of the doctoral program in psychology and the program’s first director, also celebrates the milestone as a result of collective effort, highlighting the success, robustness, and strength of the program; providing students with solid doctoral training with opportunities for scholarships and internships to promote research in psychology. “This achievement not only represents a personal milestone for today’s Dr. Juan Carlos Oliveros but also a testimony to the commitment and academic excellence rooted in the Faculty of Psychology. The program positions itself as a breeding ground for future prominent researchers in the field of psychology.”

Finally, Dr. Juan Carlos Oliveros sent a message of encouragement to his colleagues who are still in the process of completing their doctoral studies, urging them to persevere in what they are passionate about.

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