Dr. Álvaro Jiménez gave a colloquium on “Mental Health in the Context of Crisis”

On this occasion (Wednesday, August 23 at 3:00 p.m.) Álvaro Jiménez, psychologist and doctor in sociology, professor at the Diego Portales University, and researcher at the Imhay Millennium Nucleus and MIDAP Millennium Institute, will participate. Their experience and knowledge will guide us in an analysis of how the socio-political, economic and health crises that have impacted Chile in recent years directly affect the mental health of our society.

Jiménez shared research on the intersection of these crises and their effects on the mental health of the population. According to their studies, the convergence of these crises has led to structural challenges and inequalities in the burden of mental health problems. From the impact of violence linked to social unrest to the psychological implications of economic uncertainty and loneliness in times of pandemic, we will explore the key data and findings.

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