Application Start:August 2023 / Application Deadline:October 31, 2023 / Classes Start: March 18, 2024
We contribute to the progress of scientific knowledge in Psychology, through human capital
Our program seeks to train autonomous researchers capable of generating scientific knowledge that contributes to the understanding of human behavior and psychological processes based on advanced theories and methodologies in Psychology.
Chronological hours of face-to-face work
Hours of self-employment
Maximum Quotas
General Background
Academic Unit: Faculty of Psychology
Program Director: Dr. Daniel Núñez Gutiérrez (
Duration: 4 years
Recipients: Psychologists, and graduates or postgraduates of any discipline, from national or foreign universities, with a manifest interest in developing research in Psychology
Places: Minimum 3, maximum 7
Campus: Talca Campus
Application begins: August 01, 2023
Application deadline: October 31, 2023
Classes start: March 18, 2024
More information:
Phones: (56 – 71) 2201784
PhD in Psychology
Program Description
The Doctorate in Psychology is an academic-scientific program that has mandatory courses, research seminars, and optional courses in accordance with the research lines of the Faculty of Psychology. These courses occur during the first 2 years, while years 3 and 4 are dedicated exclusively to doctoral research. The generation of knowledge is promoted through the preparation of at least 2 articles, the acceptance or publication of an article and the development of a doctoral thesis.
Research Areas:
- Cognition and neuroscience: This area contemplates the investigation of psychological and behavioral processes with an emphasis on the study of cognition and neuroscience.
- Development and psychopathology: This area includes research in the field of psychopathology and processes associated with human psychological development.
- Psychosocial processes: This area includes research on psychosocial processes with an emphasis on human interaction in different social contexts.
Temas de investigación asociados a los miembros actuales del claustro doctoral:
- Associative and predictive learning
- Reasoning and Problem Solving
- Social Cognition, Emotion, and Action
- Executive functions and their early stimulation
- Attachment, Parenting, and Psychopathology
- Abuse, Traumatic Stress, PTSD, and Complex PTSD
- Early Detection and Intervention in Psychopathology and Suicidal Behavior
- Neurocognitive Processes in Clinical Populations Such as ADHD
- Psychosocial processes associated with attitudinal change
- Psychosocial distress and well-being and quality of life in individuals, groups and organizations
- Analysis of Educational Practices
- Psychometrics applied to the development of psychosocial models
Objetivos del Programa
General Objectives
- To train autonomous researchers capable of generating scientific knowledge that contributes to the understanding of human behavior and psychological processes based on advanced theories and methodologies in Psychology.
Specific Objectives
- To provide advanced human capital in psychology to the region and the country, both in academic fields and in other public or private institutions.
- Contribute to the academic development of Psychology, providing doctors who have a broad vision of the main current areas of research in Psychology combined with specialized knowledge in some of them.
- Contribute to the progress of scientific knowledge in Psychology through the production of research with national and international impact.
Perfil de ingreso
The program is mainly aimed at psychologists, and graduates or postgraduates of any discipline, from national or foreign universities, with a manifest interest in developing research in Psychology.
Applicants who enter the DP are expected to be a sample of academic excellence, either by their graduation ranking, experience in research, teaching, participation in research projects, graduate studies or others.
Completed application documents must be submitted to apply. Subsequently, an admission exam must be given, which consists of an oral presentation of the initial research proposal and then an interview in which the interest and motivation for the program is described.
The expected initial competencies are:
- Possess initial theoretical and practical knowledge in research methodology and descriptive and inferential statistical analysis.
- Be able to propose relationships between variables associated with psychological processes.
- Have initial experience in teaching or research activities.
- Understand scientific articles in English about research in psychology.
Perfil del graduado
It is expected that at the end of the DPs program, the graduate will have achieved the following competencies:
- Analyze human psychological behavior and processes from various contemporary research perspectives.
- Select, analyze and synthesize relevant scientific literature on a specific topic of Psychology.
- Formulate relevant problems in Psychology and establish relevant research designs.
- Apply advanced methodological tools to address research problems in Psychology.
- Formulate competitive research projects in Psychology.
- Carry out research autonomously that has a national and international impact in a specific area of Psychology.
- Communicate research results to the community through scientific publications and other means.